+420 607 839 285
Monday - Friday
08:00 - 17:00
In Autodílny Kočer you may have the warranty inspection or check made related to operations after a time period or after reaching certain mileage as in any authorized garage.
In the warranty period your vehicle must go through warranty inspections in designated time intervals, but nowhere is written that only authorized garage must perform the inspections. Don’t be afraid to let us do these periodic inspections. We routinely perform warranty inspections and in addition we bring some advantages that are not common everywhere.
V našem autoservisu Kočer zajišťujeme garanční prohlídky pro všechny typy a značky vozů pro Brno i nejbližší okolí
Garanční prohlídku skutečně nemusíte absolvovat pouze ve značkovém nebo autorizovaném servisu, to je již dávno mýtus
Naopak můžete garanční prohlídku auta absolvovat v podstatě kdekoliv, avšak v předepsaných intervalech
Would you like to save and still be able to give your vehicle necessary care to keep the warranty conditions? Contact Autodílny Kočer. We are happy to perform warranty inspections or at least explain unclarities regarding this issue.
Whichever garage you choose, you should keep the designated servicing time periods. It differs based on the vehicle manufacturer and vehicle model, but generally the principle of “what happens first” applies, i.e. in case you drive tens of thousands of kilometres, you may easily reach the mileage limit before the designated time interval. In contrast, less used vehicles usually go through warranty inspections according to the designated time schedule specified by the manufacturer.
The details can be usually found in the service log book. What is more, modern vehicles usually inform you on necessary servicing themselves through the dashboard display or through infotainment.